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The new Chromecast is smarter than a 12V smart TV. Downside: it requires 230V. Until now – check out our solution!

Our motorhome has a smart TV, but it is often slow and lacks good functionality. A fact about all 12V TVs is that they are slow and often less smart than a regular home TV. Sometimes, you might think the network is bad, but it could actually be the TV itself! That’s why we’ve had […]

Motorhome and Camping tests

Motorhome and Camping has tested our solution with the router and roof antenna. They share their thoughts on the equipment from, and among other things, they believe that the new antenna is a significant improvement for mobile broadband 🙂 Read the full article in Swedish here

5G router

5G has gradually spread more and more, especially in cities where there is really good coverage with the fast mobile data network. The 5G network is continuously improving, and for many, it can be a good alternative to a wired internet connection. 5G is the latest standard for data transfer via mobile operators’ towers. To […]