Archivos de Etiquetas: Technology

Christmas TV in the Motorhome

Christmas TV in the Motorhome This year looks set to be a different kind of Christmas, with many not able to meet their loved ones as usual. Many might choose to take a trip in their motorhome. Now, you can watch Swedish Christmas TV in your motorhome across the EU/EES. This year, it feels especially […]

What is wifi?

WiFi is a technology for wireless internet browsing. To do so, a wireless router is required to direct the data traffic between the various network devices that connect. The router also acts as a firewall, increasing the security of your internet connection. A wireless router is built into most modems. This means, for example, that […]

New taxation of motorhomes?

Har du koll på den nya mätmetoden på beskattning av husbilar?

From September 1, 2019, certain motorhomes are required to be tested with a new method for carbon dioxide emissions and fuel consumption, called the WLTP value (Worldwide Harmonised Light vehicles Test Procedure), which forms the basis for taxation. This new measurement method applies only to new motorhomes, i.e., those that are put into use starting […]

Swedes and the Internet 2019

The study “Svenskarna och internet” was released on October 15th by the Internet Foundation in Sweden. It is a study conducted every year since 2000. Read the full study here.   We have picked up a few key points from the 166-page study: The development and access to the internet for Swedish households remains stable […]