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Best Campsites for Families with Children

There are different ways to camp: Tent, caravan, holiday home, or cabin. But whichever method you choose, the location and offerings of the campsite are important, especially for families with children who like to stay a little longer in one place.   All families have different preferences for their vacation, and the criteria are not […]

5-Star Campsites in Sweden

Until just a few years ago, camping was a nearly ridiculed form of vacation with cramped caravans, small tents, and shabby campsites where you could basically only buy paper and ice cream. Today, camping is something completely different. More and more campsites have transformed into resort-like facilities with adventure pools, restaurants with full rights, and […]

Svensk Camping and Camping Key Europe test

MOBILE 4G ROUTER WITH BUILT-IN DATA POOL AND WIFI FROM WIFI.SE Micke Öhrn is responsible for Camping Key Europe in Sweden. He regularly tests various offers and writes about his experiences on his blog. The first blog post is about the vehicle-adapted router from Enjoy the read! It is true that when you want […]

What is wifi?

WiFi is a technology for wireless internet browsing. To do so, a wireless router is required to direct the data traffic between the various network devices that connect. The router also acts as a firewall, increasing the security of your internet connection. A wireless router is built into most modems. This means, for example, that […]

New taxation of motorhomes?

Har du koll på den nya mätmetoden på beskattning av husbilar?

From September 1, 2019, certain motorhomes are required to be tested with a new method for carbon dioxide emissions and fuel consumption, called the WLTP value (Worldwide Harmonised Light vehicles Test Procedure), which forms the basis for taxation. This new measurement method applies only to new motorhomes, i.e., those that are put into use starting […]

Test with – Starting from Elmia

1 månad 19 dagar senare

Motorhome and Adventure are currently testing our router solution for 6 months at various locations around Sweden. So far, they are very satisfied. Motorhome and Adventure writes: We like technical solutions. Maybe we haven’t always been that way, but you can change your mind. At the Elmia fair, we found an interesting product to test […]

WiFi and routers in motorhomes.

RUT850 is designed for vehicle installation but is also suitable for other applications where a compact router offering Wi-Fi and easy installation is needed. When looking at installation in vehicles, there are a variety of applications that require a stable connection in many situations. These could include passenger transport vehicles where passengers need to share […]

Which internet subscription is best for motorhomes/caravans?

A motorhome is a larger type of vehicle that you can live in during, for example, a holiday trip. Some well-known manufacturers of motorhomes are Hymer, Adria, Bürstner, Knaus, Hobby, Frankia, Niesmann, Concorde, and Kabe Travelmaster. In Sweden, most motorhomes are registered as “passenger cars class II”. These can be driven at the same speed […]