Wifi.se is an independent operator registered with the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS). For our Swedish 12-month SIM cards, we use Telenor’s network in Sweden. Our Europe roaming SIM cards operate via Movistar Telefonica O2 and Vodafone Group Europe.
Depending on the router, you can connect between 20 and 50 devices.
With our new 5G routers, you can get speeds of up to 700Mbit/s when connected to a 5G network. However, the speed depends greatly on the distance from the operator’s tower. It is common to have speeds well over 200Mbit/s even far outside major cities if you have the right hardware, such as a good […]
You can purchase it here from us in our webshop or from one of our resellers.
We offer two different types of SIM cards: For our Swedish 12-month data cards, we offer 100 GB, 500 GB, and 1000 GB. The data you purchase is valid for 365 days. If the data runs out, you can buy more data at the same price at any time. These SIM cards are annual and […]
Click the link below to register and select the size of your subscription. The SIM card will then be activated.https://wifi.se/aktivera-sim/
Okay, it took some time. But now even we are giving up on watching TV via the roof antenna. It’s all about streaming from now on. The reason I, usually early with modern technology, have waited is simply because TV wasn’t a priority in the motorhome. Or rather, it wasn’t a priority because it didn’t […]
Motorhome TVs are rarely smart. Even those that claim to be smart don’t match a modern home TV. But you can easily and cheaply turn your existing TV into a truly smart device. All you need to do is connect two small gadgets to your TV’s existing ports. Read the full article (in Swedish) here
Here is a link to Micke “Hubben” who made a video about how well the adapter works in a motorhome. Video here
Our motorhome has a smart TV, but it is often slow and lacks good functionality. A fact about all 12V TVs is that they are slow and often less smart than a regular home TV. Sometimes, you might think the network is bad, but it could actually be the TV itself! That’s why we’ve had […]