Equality Plan 2020

Equality Plan 2020 for Wifi.se (Wifi.se Sverige AB)

Table of Contents
Purpose of our equality work…………………………….. 1
Equality Plan ……………………………………………………. 2
Working Conditions ………………………………………………… 2
Employment and Parenthood …………………………………. 2
Sexual Harassment ………………………………………………… 3
Skills Development and Recruitment …………………………… 3
Salary Issues ……………………………………………………………….. 4
Company Responsibility …………………………………………………… 4
Responsibilities of Occupational Health and Safety Officers ………… 4
Plan Revision …………………………………………………… 4

Equality Plan for Caravan Router (SORBUS I SKANE AB) 2019

The purpose of Wifi.se’s (Wifi.se Sverige AB) equality work is to promote equal rights for women and men in terms of work, employment, and other working conditions, as well as development opportunities at work. An equal workplace is an attractive workplace. An equal workplace means, for both women and men, that they:

  • are represented in all positions and at all decision-making levels,
  • can influence their work situation and feel involved,
  • have salaries determined based on objective criteria,
  • are offered equal opportunities for employment,
  • are offered equal opportunities for qualified tasks,
  • can develop in their work and have access to individual skills development, and
  • can balance work and parenthood.

Equality work at Wifi.se (Wifi.se Sverige AB) is driven both through active measures and by integrating the equality perspective into other activities. All managers have a responsibility to systematically drive equality work and to integrate the equality perspective into decision-making processes, operational management, as well as in the monitoring and evaluation of results.

This Equality Plan applies for the year 2020. The plan is revised annually and remains valid until the next version is decided.

Equality Plan
According to Section 13 of the Equality Act (1991:433), employers must develop a plan for their equality work for the areas described in Sections 4-9, including an overview of the action plan for equal pay. The equality plan applies to the year 2020.

Working Conditions
General Goals
The working conditions within the company – both physical and psychosocial – should be such that they are suitable for both women and men.
Both women and men should have good opportunities to influence their work situation.
Current Status
The company has a written equality policy that is updated during the annual revision of Systematic Work Environment Management. Apart from salary mapping, no active measures have been taken to investigate gender differences. An important measure of workplace conditions is sick leave. The company’s goal is to continuously reduce absenteeism through active collaboration with occupational health services.

Specific Goals and Actions

  • Inform all employees about our equality plan.
    Responsible: CEO.
  • Development meetings. All employees will be given the opportunity for a development meeting with their immediate supervisor in 2020.
    Responsible: CEO.
  • Reduce overall sick leave.
    Responsible: All occupational health and safety officers.

Employment and Parenthood
General Goals
Employees who are parents should be able to balance work and parenthood.
Current Status
For parents to balance work and parenthood, working conditions must, as far as possible, be adapted to the demands of parenthood. There is still an imbalance between working women and men regarding responsibilities for home and children, although the situation has improved in recent years. This imbalance is the most significant reason why women and men are still not equal in the workplace. As an employer, we must strengthen and improve the conditions for balancing work and parenthood for both women and men at all levels in the company.

For women, this primarily concerns not losing out on career progression, skills development, salary increases, or pensions. For men, it often concerns attitudes towards parental leave. For both genders, parental leave may result in not being recognized, feeling excluded, or losing contact with the workplace.

Specific Goals and Actions

  • Salary levels and development for employees on parental leave will be closely monitored in salary mapping between the parties at Wifi.se (Wifi.se Sverige AB).
    Responsible: CEO.
  • Special consideration will be given to the situation of parents with young children when planning staff meetings, conferences, training, and travel.
    Responsible: Occupational health and safety officers.
  • Employees on parental leave will be informed about workplace events.
    Responsible: Occupational health and safety officers.
  • Employees returning from parental leave will be supported through necessary skills development.
    Responsible: Occupational health and safety officers.
  • The employer’s positive stance on parental leave will be communicated to expectant fathers.
    Responsible: Occupational health and safety officers.

Sexual Harassment
General Goals
No employee shall be subjected to sexual harassment.
Wifi.se (Wifi.se Sverige AB) has a policy and action plan to prevent and address sexual harassment, which will be consistently applied and well-known throughout the organization. Sexual harassment includes physical, verbal, and visual harassment, such as displaying offensive images within the company’s premises.

Skills Development and Recruitment
General Goals
Both genders should be represented in all types of work and among various categories of employees.
Current Status
Men are overrepresented in certain job categories, while women are overrepresented in others.

Specific Goals and Actions

  • All employees will have the opportunity for skills development and/or career planning within the job categories available at Wifi.se (Wifi.se Sverige AB).
    Responsible: Occupational health and safety officers.
  • When forming project and work groups, a balanced gender distribution will be sought.
    Responsible: Manager forming the group.
  • Job postings will be described in gender-neutral terms.
    Responsible: Recruitment manager.
  • The most qualified candidate of the underrepresented gender will always be invited for an interview, provided they meet the competence requirements.
    Responsible: Recruitment manager.

Salary Issues
General Goals
At Wifi.se (Wifi.se Sverige AB), salaries and other working conditions for both women and men should be fair and equal.
Since 2017, the law has required annual salary mapping. Mapping will be conducted in collaboration with trade unions, if present, to identify job categories considered equivalent and review gender distribution and salary levels, with particular attention to unwarranted gender-based differences. A plan of action based on the mapping will be created the same year if unwarranted differences are identified.

Company Responsibility
The CEO has overall responsibility for the equality plan and implementing its components.

Responsibilities of Occupational Health and Safety Officers
Each occupational health and safety officer is responsible for implementing actions to achieve the goals of this equality plan.

Union Involvement
All ongoing work on equality issues shall be conducted in consensus with trade union representatives. This also applies to mapping and analysis.

Plan Revision
The Safety Committee is responsible for ensuring that Wifi.se’s (Wifi.se Sverige AB) equality plan is revised annually in collaboration with local trade unions, if present, and extended for one year. This equality plan will be posted on the company’s website so that all employees and customers can easily access it.